

William, Carol, Regine, Ning and Ali
Totol riding time: 1 hr 8 min
Total distance: 9 km (including off-road trail)
This was a very short ride at YangMingShan. It started to rain before we finish walking trail loop at top of ChinTienGang, so this trip has to be stopped unfortunately. We met a group people accidently, one lady was a professional bike rider who is gonna ride from BeiJing to XinJian on Jun. 5. It seems that she is a very serious rider. Here is her blog: http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~d95521009/index.html , her Beijing to XinJian trip will be recorded here: http://candice1117.blogspot.com/ ning

6 則留言:

佳小芬 提到...

Ha, it's so nice to meet your club members today. Thanks for your introduction about my journey. I might not update my blog frequently that I plan to keep away from digital equipments as possible. However, I will try to write trip dairy on paper and leave some fun messages or post photos to share with all my friends. Hope I can finish my trip in the middle of August, and have a chance to ride bike with your club and cute A-Li. :)

Taiwan English Biking Club 提到...

I hate to miss your ChinTeinGang trip. It seems that you had a good time despite the bad weather. I am gonna have my road bike repaired today so that I can overcome my fear due to last "star falling" in SanYi.

Hope that I can join you next Sat. before I fly to US for the meeting.


Taiwan English Biking Club 提到...

To ChinaFeng,

Please write down what you experience in China, I can't wait to see what happen to your trip. Today is the day you leave for China. Hope you have a safe trip.


Taiwan English Biking Club 提到...
Taiwan English Biking Club 提到...

To Tony,

Actually, this trip was not as fancy as you thought. It was similiar to our KeeLung trip which was terminated by rain.

William, carol will go to NanTou this coming weekend and I also have something to do, plus it is gonna rain whole week according to weather forecast. so no biking plan will be proposed this week. I am not sure about next week, wither. Becuase it will be dragon boat festival.


Taiwan English Biking Club 提到...

Ning, I will go to US on the coming Sunday and come back on the 18th. If you happen to change your plan, I will be happy to ride with you on Saturday.
